Need to know the answer to can Guinea Pigs Eat Cherries? Cherries can be healthy for your guinea pig in moderation. Cherries are high in both vitamin A and vitamin C. 這兩種維生素對你的豚鼠的健康至關重要. 維生素C有助於他們代謝蛋白質, 抗感染, 並執行其他重要的身體機能. 維生素A有助於適當的發展和有利於健康的免疫系統. 由於豚鼠不能生產這些維生素本身, 他們必須從他們可以吃的食物讓他們, like cherries.
是, guinea pigs can eat cherries. They can eat both sweet cherries and sour cherries. You can feed your cavy sweet cherries once or twice a week. A good serving size is one to two cherries at a time. Sour cherries should be fed even more sparingly because of their high acid content. You should feed your cavy sour cherries no more than one or two times a month. Just be sure to moderate how often you feed your guinea pig cherries. If fed too often, cherries can contribute to health problems like diabetes.
記得, that although guinea pigs can eat the cherries themselves, they should never eat the limbs, twigs, or leaves of the cherry tree. Only feed them the red fruit. The other parts of the plant contain cyanide and are therefore toxic to your cavy.
Be sure that the cherries are fresh, 清潔, 和未煮過. Also, be sure to remove the stems and pits prior to feeding them to your cavy. Make sure that the cherries were never treated with pesticides or other chemicals prior to feeding them to your cavy. 新鮮, organic cherries are the best option for your pet.
所以, can guinea pigs eat cherries? 是, they can eat the red fruit of the cherry. As long as you remove the pits, stems, and other parts of the plant, cherries can be a good addition to your guinea pig’s diet. As long as they are fed in moderation and your cavy enjoys them, you can add cherries to the varied list of fruits and vegetables that can make up your guinea pig’s diet.