Can Guinea Pigs Eat Sweet Potatoes?

Posted April 16th, 2014 in Can Guinea Pigs Eat...? by WhatCanGuineaPigsEat
Curious to know Can Guinea Pigs Eat Sweet Potatoes? Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin A and vitamin C. The leaves also have vitamin C. Both of these vitamins are essential for your cavy's health. La vitamine C aide à métaboliser les protéines, lutter contre les infections, et effectuer d'autres fonctions importantes corporelles. La vitamine A contribue au développement adéquat et contribue à un système immunitaire sain. Comme cobayes ne peuvent pas produire eux-mêmes ces vitamines, ils doivent les obtenir à partir des aliments qu'ils peuvent manger, like sweet potatoes. Oui, guinea pigs eat sweet potatoes. Not only can guinea pigs eat sweet potatoes, they can also eat the sweet potato leaves. Guinea pigs can eat the sweet potato leaves one to two times per week. toutefois, the sweet potatoes themselves should be fed very sparingly, about one to Read more [...]