Can Guinea Pigs Eat Sweet Potatoes?
Curious to know Can Guinea Pigs Eat Sweet Potatoes? Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin A and vitamin C. The leaves also have vitamin C. Both of these vitamins are essential for your cavy's health. 維生素C有助於他們代謝蛋白質, 抗感染, 並執行其他重要的身體機能. 維生素A有助於適當的發展和有利於健康的免疫系統. 由於豚鼠不能生產這些維生素本身, 他們必須從他們可以吃的食物讓他們, like sweet potatoes.
是, guinea pigs eat sweet potatoes. Not only can guinea pigs eat sweet potatoes, they can also eat the sweet potato leaves. Guinea pigs can eat the sweet potato leaves one to two times per week. 然而, the sweet potatoes themselves should be fed very sparingly, about one to Read more [...]