Guinea Pig Vitamin C Requirements

Posted May 31st, 2013 in Can Guinea Pigs Eat...? by WhatCanGuineaPigsEat
Guinea pigs, like humans, cannot produce their own vitamin C. This essential nutrient must be sourced from food sources or vitamin C supplements. So what are the guinea pig vitamin C requirements? A happy and healthy guinea pig, also known as a cavy, must receive around 25mg of vitamin C each day to produce optimal health. Vitamin C is necessary to prevent scurvy, as well as bone and blood vessel issues. Guinea pigs eat vitamin C as a part of their natural diet; but sometimes they do not get enough, or they get too much, and problems arise. The recommended daily dose of vitamin C for guinea pigs is 25mg, but some cavies may require substantially more or less. A pregnant cavy should be getting between 30mg and 50mg of vitamin C every day, and a cavy experiencing scurvy must also need around Read more [...]

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Hamster Food?

Posted May 29th, 2013 in Can Guinea Pigs Eat...? by WhatCanGuineaPigsEat
What is the answer to Can guinea pigs eat hamster food? Guinea pigs eat lots of things and while they might give hamster food a shot, it is not a healthy diet for them. Guinea pigs, also called cavies, need a diet that is high in fiber and nutrients and is low in fat and calories. Hamsters, on the other hand, can do without so much nutrition while taking in more fat and calories. Cavies cannot produce their own vitamin C, making it a necessary part of their diet. Hamster food does not contain the necessary amounts of vitamin C. This could cause many maladies for the pet cavy; things like bone and blood vessel growth problems and scurvy are bound to happen when the cavy does not consume enough vitamin C. La respuesta es no, guinea pigs cannot eat hamster food. Hamster food contains added nuts Read more [...]

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apples?

Posted May 28th, 2013 in Can Guinea Pigs Eat...? by WhatCanGuineaPigsEat
What is the answer to Can guinea pigs eat apples? Apples are a tasty desert for guinea pigs, but should not be eaten regularly. Guinea pigs, also known as cavies, eat apples with great vigor and joy; but too many apples could make them unhealthy. Apples are surprisingly lacking in nutrients and are fairly high in sugar. Guinea pigs eat mostly fiber and high nutrient, low calorie foods; or at least they should. Apples do not satisfy these requirements, but they are fine to feed every once in a while. Apples do not contain very large amounts of nutrition. The answer is yes, guinea pigs can eat apples. They contain, on average, about 8mg of vitamin C. Compared to an orange, which contains around 55mg, they do not fare well; sin embargo, they have a little bit. It is necessary for guinea pigs to Read more [...]

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Celery

Posted May 24th, 2013 in Can Guinea Pigs Eat...? by WhatCanGuineaPigsEat
What is the answer to Can guinea pigs eat celery? Celery is refreshing, crunchy, and great for dipping, but is it a good choice for guinea pigs ? It is composed of primarily water and a bit of fiber, both things guinea pigs eat normally; but there are some caveats to consider. None of the following information applies if you can get ahold of celery leaves; those are great for guinea pigs. Celery has very long strings attached to it, and those strings could be both hard to digest and a choking hazard. The answer is yes, guinea pigs can eat celery, mostly. When people consume celery, they usually peel these strings away; but a guinea pig is unable to do this. Cutting celery into very small pieces alleviates this problem, as long as the owner is willing to do it. Another thing to consider is Read more [...]

What Can’t Guinea Pigs Eat?

Posted May 22nd, 2013 in Can Guinea Pigs Eat...? by WhatCanGuineaPigsEat
Pet guinea pigs, also known as cavies, have been caught eating shoelaces, paper bags, and latex gloves; but household items are only the beginning of this list of “do nots.” Guinea pigs are naturally herbivorous animals, so many foods are off limits to them. The guinea pig’s digestive system is very specialized, so foods that are not a part of their natural diet can cause them harm. So What Can’t Guinea Pigs Eat? Well processed foods, beans, raw grains, meat, dairy, nuts, seeds, and even certain vegetables are all harmful to our small herbivorous friends. Guinea pigs eat primarily grass when found in their natural habitat; this means that their diet should be rich in fiber and nutrients, without very many calories at all. This means processed snacks intended for people are not goods Read more [...]

What Fruits Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

Posted May 20th, 2013 in Can Guinea Pigs Eat...? by WhatCanGuineaPigsEat
Fruit is the ice cream and candy of the guinea pig world. So what fruits can guinea pigs eat? Well guinea pigs, known colloquially as cavies, eat fruit like it’s going out of style; and they would love to eat it all day, everyday. Sadly, they can only consume fruits in limited amounts. Fruit may be packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber; but it is also packed with sugar. Fructose, or fruit sugar, is metabolized differently in guinea pigs than it is in humans. Guinea pigs convert fructose to glucose in the body, while humans lack the mechanisms to do this. This conversion means fruit sugar, which can make a guinea pig overweight very quickly. Por lo tanto, fruit should be given as a treat. Guinea pigs eat just about any fruit happily, although preferences may vary between pets. Read more [...]

What Vegetables Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

Posted May 18th, 2013 in Can Guinea Pigs Eat...? by WhatCanGuineaPigsEat
Guinea pigs love vegetables for a daily snack, and even for a meal. Guinea pigs, also known as cavies, are naturally herbivorous. This means they must get all their nutrition from plant sources, and they are happy to do it. A cavy’s natural diet is primarily hay and leafy green vegetables; but they also love things like carrots, bell peppers, and fresh corn. So what vegetables can guinea pigs eat? There are a few vegetables that a pet cavy should not eat, but on the whole veggies are one of the best foods for them. Some owners choose to feed their cavies only vegetables, hay, and the occasional fruit, but this is a difficult undertaking. One must be very educated about the nutritional content of fruits and veggies in order to prevent nutritional deficiencies. Most owners supplement their Read more [...]

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Rabbit Food?

Posted May 15th, 2013 in Can Guinea Pigs Eat...? by WhatCanGuineaPigsEat
What is the answer to Can guinea pigs eat rabbit food? Guinea pigs, otherwise known as cavies, should not consume rabbit food. Rabbit food contains many things that may be detrimental to the health of a cavy. It is also missing things that are important to the guinea pig’s health. Guinea pigs eat hay and leafy greens naturally. The formulations of rabbit food do not replicate this natural diet well. Rabbit food has added fat in the form of seeds, nuts, or oil. Cavies normally consume diets very high in fiber and low in fat. The added fat in rabbit food may cause diarrhea, vomiting, and nutrient malabsorption. These problems arise because the cavy does not posses mechanisms for digesting this added fat. The fat flows through the digestive system of the guinea pig very quickly, taking other Read more [...]

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Bananas?

Posted May 13th, 2013 in Can Guinea Pigs Eat...? by WhatCanGuineaPigsEat
What is the answer to Can guinea pigs eat bananas? Bananas are excellent treats for a pet guinea pig; but due to their high sugar content, they should be given in moderation. Bananas are like candy for pet guinea pigs; they should not be over consumed. This is because bananas have an incredibly high sugar content. The bulk of a guinea pig’s diet should be composed of things guinea pigs eat naturally, such as leafy greens and hay. Sweet treats such as bananas would seldom be included in a guinea pig’s natural diet. The answer is yes, guinea pigs can eat bananas. Bananas can be fed once or twice per week without the guinea pig suffering any adverse effects, as long as they are only allowed to eat one or two slices. If a pet cavy consumes too much banana he or she may suffer constipation Read more [...]