Can Guinea Pigs Eat Sweet Potatoes?
Curious to know Can Guinea Pigs Eat Sweet Potatoes? Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin A and vitamin C. The leaves also have vitamin C. Both of these vitamins are essential for your cavy's health. La vitamina C ayuda a metabolizar las proteínas, luchar contra las infecciones, y realizar otras funciones importantes del cuerpo. La vitamina A ayuda con el desarrollo adecuado y contribuye a un sistema inmunológico saludable. Como conejillos de indias no pueden producir estos mismos vitaminas, se debe obtener de los alimentos que se pueden comer, like sweet potatoes.
Sí, guinea pigs eat sweet potatoes. Not only can guinea pigs eat sweet potatoes, they can also eat the sweet potato leaves. Guinea pigs can eat the sweet potato leaves one to two times per week. sin embargo, the sweet potatoes themselves should be fed very sparingly, about one to Read more [...]