Can Guinea Pigs Eat Plums?
Do you know the answer the the question Can Guinea Pigs Eat Plums? Plums are good sources of fiber, as well as the essential vitamins A and C. 维生素C可以帮助你的豚鼠代谢蛋白质, 抗感染, 并执行其他重要的身体机能. 维生素A有助于适当的发展和有利于健康的免疫系统. 由于豚鼠不能生产这些维生素本身, 他们必须从他们可以吃的食物让他们, like plums.
是, guinea pigs can eat plums. As with all fruits, guinea pigs should not eat plums any more than once or twice a week. A good serving size is about 1/8 of a plum at a time. Make sure that the plum is fresh, 清洁, 和生. Be sure that the plum was never treated with any pesticides or other chemicals prior to feeding it to your cavy. Read more [...]
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cherries
Need to know the answer to can Guinea Pigs Eat Cherries? Cherries can be healthy for your guinea pig in moderation. Cherries are high in both vitamin A and vitamin C. 这两种维生素对你的豚鼠的健康至关重要. 维生素C有助于他们代谢蛋白质, 抗感染, 并执行其他重要的身体机能. 维生素A有助于适当的发展和有利于健康的免疫系统. 由于豚鼠不能生产这些维生素本身, 他们必须从他们可以吃的食物让他们, like cherries.
是, guinea pigs can eat cherries. They can eat both sweet cherries and sour cherries. You can feed your cavy sweet cherries once or twice a week. A good serving size is one to two cherries at a time. Sour cherries should be fed even more sparingly Read more [...]
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Almonds?
Need to know the answer to can Guinea Pigs Eat Almonds? 没有, guinea pigs cannot eat almonds. 一般来说, guinea pigs should not eat any nuts or seeds. These types of foods can be very detrimental to your cavy’s health, without being beneficial. 第一, almonds do not really provide any nutritional benefit for your cavy. 也, they contain large quantities of fat. 因此, feeding them almonds will not give them any benefit and will actually negatively impact their health. Almonds, as well as other seeds and nuts, are also choking hazards. 因此, almonds should not be fed to your cavy.
Almonds may also be poisonous to your guinea pig. Although this is unconfirmed, because it is still a possibility, almonds should be completely avoided in a cavy’s diet. Poisonous or not, almonds are Read more [...]