Do you know the answer the the question Can Guinea Pigs Eat Plums? Plums are good sources of fiber, as well as the essential vitamins A and C. 維生素C可以幫助你的豚鼠代謝蛋白質, 抗感染, 並執行其他重要的身體機能. 維生素A有助於適當的發展和有利於健康的免疫系統. 由於豚鼠不能生產這些維生素本身, 他們必須從他們可以吃的食物讓他們, like plums.
是, guinea pigs can eat plums. As with all fruits, guinea pigs should not eat plums any more than once or twice a week. A good serving size is about 1/8 of a plum at a time. Make sure that the plum is fresh, 清潔, 和生. Be sure that the plum was never treated with any pesticides or other chemicals prior to feeding it to your cavy. 新鮮, organic plums are the best option when feeding this fruit to your cavy. Also, remember that although your guinea pig can eat the plum fruit, they should never eat the leaves, limbs, or twigs of the plum tree as they contain cyanide and are therefore very toxic for your cavy.
記得, that while plums can be a healthy treat for your cavy in the right amounts, they are very high in sugar. Because of their high sugar content, too many plums can lead to serious health problems. In the short run, too much sugar can lead to digestive issues and stomach upset. 從長遠來看, high sugar levels can contribute to diabetes in your guinea pig. 因此, be sure you limit how often your cavy eats plums.
所以, can guinea pigs eat plums? 是, guinea pigs eat plums. As long as you limit how often you feed your guinea pig plums, then this tasty fruit can be a nice addition to the diverse diet of your cavy.