Can Guinea Pigs Eat Sprouts?

Posted July 10th, 2014 in Can Guinea Pigs Eat...? by WhatCanGuineaPigsEat

Need to know the answer to can guinea pigs eat Sprouts? Alfalfa and radish sprouts are very nutritious for your cavy in the right amounts. Both are good sources of the essential vitamins A and C. Vitamin C helps your cavy to metabolize proteins, fight infections, and perform other important bodily functions. Vitamin A helps with proper development and contributes to a healthy immune system. As guinea pigs cannot produce these vitamins themselves, they must get them from the foods that they can eat, like alfalfa or radish sprouts. Although guinea pigs can eat a variety of sprouts, alfalfa sprouts are the most widely recommended for your cavy’s diet.

Yes, guinea pigs can eat sprouts. They can eat a variety of sprout types, including alfalfa, radish, wheatgrass, and clover sprouts. Although sprouts are nutritious in small amounts, they should not be fed to your cavy very often and they should only be fed in very small quantities. Be sure that the sprouts are fresh, clean, and raw. Make sure that they were never treated with any pesticides or other chemicals prior to feeding them to your cavy. Fresh, organic sprouts are the best option if you choose to feed this item to your cavy.

Although alfalfa sprouts can be healthy for your cavy in small amounts, too many of this sprout type can cause health problems. Because they are relatively high in calcium, they can help to contribute to bladder and kidney stones in too high of quantities. Also, due to their high water content, they can also cause diarrhea in your cavy. Therefore, be sure to limit how often you feed your guinea pig alfalfa sprouts.

So, can guinea pigs eat sprouts? Yes, they can eat a variety of sprout types, but the most recommended are alfalfa sprouts. However, be sure to monitor how often you feed your cavy sprouts, as too many sprouts can lead to negative health effects. However, as long as you feed them sprouts sparingly, certain sprouts can be tasty and healthy additions to your cavy’s diet.

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