Can Guinea Pigs Eat Parsley?

Posted June 10th, 2014 in Can Guinea Pigs Eat...? by WhatCanGuineaPigsEat

Need to know the answer to can guinea pigs eat Parsley? Remember, that fool’s parsley is poisonous for guinea pigs, like it is for humans. In fact, leafy greens, like parsley, can be very beneficial for guinea pigs if fed in the right quantities. Leafy greens, including parsley, should make up the bulk of the supplemental vegetables and fruits that you feed your cavy.

Yes, guinea pigs can eat parsley. They can eat both curly and flat varieties of parsley. Parsley is also a great source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and iron. Both vitamin A and vitamin C are essential for your guinea pig’s health. Vitamin C helps them to metabolize proteins, fight infections, and perform other important bodily functions. Vitamin A helps with proper development and contributes to a healthy immune system. As guinea pigs cannot produce these vitamins themselves, they must get them from the foods that they can eat, like parsley.

Your cavy can eat parsley two to four times a week. A good serving suggestion is about 25 grams or a few sprigs of parsley at a time. Make sure that the parsley is fresh and that you clean it before feeding it to your cavy. Make sure that the parsley was never treated with any chemicals prior to feeding it to your cavy.

Although guinea pigs eat parsley and it can be very healthy in the right amounts, be sure to moderate how much you feed your guinea pig. Parsley is very high in calcium and oxalate acid. Both of these can contribute to bladder stones. Therefore, you should limit the amount of parsley your guinea pig eats, especially if they have had bladder stones in the past.

So, can guinea pigs eat parsley? Yes, and in the right amounts, they can be a great supplement to your guinea pig’s diet. However, you should moderate the quantity that you feed your cavy, as too much can potentially cause bladder stones. However, if you regulate the amount of parsley that you feed your cavy, it can be a healthy addition to their varied diet.

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