Can Guinea Pigs Eat Peas?

Posted September 23rd, 2013 in Can Guinea Pigs Eat...? by WhatCanGuineaPigsEat

What is the answer to can Guinea Pigs Eat Peas Peas? These types include sugar peas, snow peas, and snap peas. Sí, guinea pigs can eat many varieties of peas. sin embargo, you should not feed your cavy split peas. En general, peas can be very nutritious for your cavy. They contain both vitamin C and vitamin A. Ambas vitaminas son esenciales para la salud de su conejillo de indias. La vitamina C ayuda a metabolizar las proteínas, luchar contra las infecciones, y realizar otras funciones importantes del cuerpo. La vitamina A ayuda con el desarrollo adecuado y contribuye a un sistema inmunológico saludable. Como conejillos de indias no pueden producir estos mismos vitaminas, se debe obtener de los alimentos que se pueden comer, like peas.

You can feed your cavy peas two to four times a week. A good serving suggestion is one to two pods per guinea pig. Remember that the peas must be raw and must be fresh. You should never feed your guinea pig dry peas or cooked peas. también, never feed your guinea pig canned peas, as they are very high in sodium. Fresco, organic pea pods are the best option for the health of your cavy.

Although some guinea pigs eat peas, it is true that some will not enjoy the flavor. Like humans, every guinea pig has a different set of preferences for what he or she enjoys eating. Por lo tanto, some guinea pigs will enjoy the pea pods, while others will choose not to eat them. Asi que, give them a try. For those cavies that do enjoy them, puede ser una adición saludable a su dieta variada.

Asi que, can guinea pigs eat peas? Sí, but they may choose not to consume them. sin embargo, if you can get your cavy to eat pea pods, you can add this tasty vegetable to the list of the many fruits and vegetables that your cavy can enjoy.

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